Guide to local development of this plugin
Clone the repo, or your fork.
$ git clone
$ cd github-metadata
Configure Bundler.
$ bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle
Install gems.
$ bundle install
Or, for a faster install.
$ script/bootstrap
See the script directory.
Check for code formatting issues - recommended before you commit.
$ script/fmt
Fix formatting issues.
$ script/fmt -a
$ script/console
Run all unit tests.
$ script/test
Run a target unit test file by specifying a path.
$ script/test spec/owner_spec.rb
See some recommended flags below.
Run tests in the order they are written (not a random order).
$ script/test --order defined
Run tests in the same random order as a previous run.
$ script/test --seed 12345
Run tests with verbose trace logs.
$ script/test --format documentation
Preview the plugin in Jekyll by running the repo’s sample Jekyll site.
$ script/test-site
Then open in the browser at:
Run tests, formatting and create a release.
$ script/release